
Add affordance to close errant staffing request

marcua opened this issue · 0 comments

Today, the Staff/Restaff buttons allow you to create a new staffing request for a task.

They look like this in the Team Info card:

  • image
  • image

And like this on the project management screen

  • image
  • image

If you click the buttons, they end up looking like this:

One issue project managers have is that they sometimes accidentally staff a task. There is no affordance to undo that staffing. To facilitate this, we can do the following

  • If there is an open staffing request, persist the StaffBot request sent message across page refreshes (it doesn't currently persist). Change the text to Close StaffBot request.
  • Make the Close StaffBot request button wrap the already existing close_open_staffbot_requests logic (we likely need to add a view for this). Clicking that button would close all open requests, and also update the interface to go back to an original-state Staff/Restaff button.