Sorting problem in 2.1.2
firmenpunkt opened this issue · 5 comments
I don't know, if it relates to previous issues, but there is a problem with keeping the sorting place if there is a container element and an element outside a container after it. The non-container element (e.g a Mask element between 2 Containers) jumps to the first position in the page, in Page module. Probably because it does not get a proper sorting number. TYPO3 11.5.25
It works in 2.1.1
Hi @firmenpunkt
works with 2.1.1 but not with 2.1.2? i do not see any change that can be responsible for this bug. (have you tried current Version of EXT:container? (2.2.1))
can you give more information, when exactly do the non-container element jumps to the first position in the page?, do you move it? or edit it?, maybe some screenshot can help me, to understand the problem?
Hi @firmenpunkt any news? else i will close this issue?
Okay, sorry I could not really put a finger on the issue, it occurs randomly, it might be in connection with container elements converted from gridelements. But in this case I must go to database, look for the element I want to place it after, remember its sortung number and add one to it in the element I want to relocate. Which is of course not the way it is supposed to work.
I am closing this issue, and when I can reproduce it in a concrete case, I will reopen it or make a new ticket.
Hi @firmenpunkt have a look to the commands in EXT:container, some of them can help you, if migrated from gridelements