
Use this with turborepo to generate react typescript microfrontend app

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome Friend,

This is best fit for turborepo.


-- git clone git@github.com:b33lz3bubTH/react-microfrontend-generator.git /tmp/react-microfrontend-generator
-- go to your mono repo or mfes folder
-- ** python3 /tmp/react-microfrontend-generator/generate.py **

Demo Video

Youtube Preview

Microfrontend In Monorepos

-- Mono Repo Setup For Shared Libs

1. installing Dependensices
        on (my-resume/packages/ui)
        yarn install rxjs

2. new mfe-apps
        - on (my-resume/apps)
        - npx create-react-app AppName --template typescript
        - add dependencies{ "ui": "*" }
        - change `start to dev` in package.json to run

3. fixing ui lib to work with project
    - on (my-resume/packages/ui)
    - yarn add tsup
    - add scripts
        "module": "./dist/index.mjs",
        "scripts": {
            "build": "tsup index.tsx --format esm,cjs --dts --external react",
            "dev": "tsup index.tsx --format esm,cjs --watch --dts --external react"

4. Match React Version of my-resume/packages/ui and new mfe-apps

-- MicroFrontends Setup

on( apps/mfe-apps ) ** NOTE **
1. yarn add @craco/craco -D
2. replace all react-scripts with craco
3. create .cracorc.js