
Issue when uploading video at the moment and JSON file

iHeist opened this issue · 1 comments

So I have been using this to upload videos to my Instagram account and it worked perfectly most of the times, but now I'm getting the following error and this line keeps repeating over and over until I stop the script with CTRL + C, the video is a mp4 file


ClientConnectionError posting chunks: URLError < urlopen error The write operation timed out>

The code is

 print('Drag and drop the video that you want to upload then press enter: ')
    video = input()
    print('Add your description and the hashtag then press enter: ')
    text = input()
    with client(username, password) as cli:
        cli.upload(video, text) 

Also I would like to get some help with the cookie and the JSON file, i've getting issues with the lines of code for that as well as i started to learn recently

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Python: 3.7.4 64 bits
  • instapy-cli Version: 0.0.12

I have this error too, help me.