
Unable to upload photo on insta.

imvickykumar999 opened this issue · 4 comments

[IG] not found cookie/cookie_file >> login as default
Error parsing error response: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Error is >>
Bad Request

Something went bad.
Please retry or send an issue on https://github.com/b3nab/instapy-cli

OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
5 text = 'Happy BirthDay Sundar Pichai...' + '\r\n' + 'This photo is uploaded using instabot library of Python. "It is Important to Follow Your Dreams and Heart. Do Something that Excites You. ― Sundar Pichai"'
6 with client(username, password) as cli:
----> 7 cli.upload(image, text)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\instapy_cli\cli.py in upload(self, file, caption, story)
151 print('Done.')
152 else:
--> 153 raise IOError("Unable to upload.")
154 return res

OSError: Unable to upload.

Have you been able to solve the issue?

Hi ! did you solve it , I'm trying to upload videos but there is no other lib that supports that, can you help me with that

Hi ! did you solve it , I'm trying to upload videos but there is no other lib that supports that, can you help me with that

Yes, I have solved it.

