
[Bug] <Plug> mappings from README.md not working

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The mappings to <Plug>kommentary_..._default are not working:

         require'utils'.map('n', '<leader>kk', '<Plug>kommentary_line_default',
                           {noremap = true}) -- default style comment
        require'utils'.map('v', '<leader>kk', '<Plug>kommentary_visual_default',
                           {noremap = true}) -- default style
        require'utils'.map('n', '<leader>k', '<Plug>kommentary_motion_default',
                           {noremap = true}) -- default style

Are you skipping the creation of the default mapping with vim.g.kommentary_create_default_mappings = false?

That is what I have done with the setup key in packer, so everything was setup right. The problem was, that I forgot to execute PackerClean, so the plugin was still in my start folder and the command was never executed. Sorry for this mistake. It is working fine now. Thank you for your help!