
KDE Connect indicator blocks Nautilus

Closed this issue · 14 comments

When indicator is active and I try to copy file (RMB on file and click on Copy) I can't use Nautllus for few seconds. When I disable indicator everything works fine, without locking Nautilus.

b4j4 commented

What is your nautilus version?

b4j4 commented

Old nautilus versions, block with dbus, and kdeconnect send now will start to work with dbus, so i recomend you to use the last source on releases.

You mean a new version of Nautilus or a new version of kdeconnect?

b4j4 commented

I ask for nautilus version, and referer kdeconnect send nautilus extension will not work well on old versions of nautilus

Earlier I had a standard version of Nautilus from Ubuntu 18.04. Now I updated to 3.28.1 and problem still persist.

b4j4 commented

So, I recommend you to use the 0.9.4 version.

b4j4 commented

I use arch Linux and everithing works fine on nautilus, i will check on Ubuntu, but i don't promisse anything, because i don't have a virtual machine and my PC is very slower to supported.

b4j4 commented

I will roll back the old way that this work.

but I'm using 0.9.4 version from webupd8 ppa.

I downloaded the source code from GitHub, used master branch, compiled and run. Problem still persists.

b4j4 commented

KdeConnect it self, now have a application to send from nautilus, that app lock the nautilus, check if you have it on nautilus extension folder.

Do you know where this nautilus extension folder is located?

I checked /usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions and remove scripts with files sharing. I dont use this feature because it didnt work well so problem solved.

b4j4 commented
