
about .net version

Closed this issue · 2 comments

it seems like this module just support .net 2.0 and .net 4.0
char sig_40[] = { 0x76,0x34,0x2E,0x30,0x2E,0x33,0x30,0x33,0x31,0x39 }; char sig_20[] = { 0x76,0x32,0x2E,0x30,0x2E,0x35,0x30,0x37,0x32,0x37 };
Can. NET3.5 be added to support. because many tools have a minimum version of .NET3.5

The reference is not to the Framework but to the CLR. Assembly that target 3.5 Framework needs the CLR 2.0.


The reference is not to the Framework but to the CLR. Assembly that target 3.5 Framework needs the CLR 2.0.


ok,I will build an .net3.5 program an try this module. by the way ,this module is awesome!