
do not work on msf module

Closed this issue · 6 comments

when i try to use msf module to get assembly output ,it do not work well (can not get output).

when i use the same HostingCLRx64.dll and run assembly with "go-execute-assembly",it is just good.

maybe something wrong in msf module?

As you can see from the second line of the output, the module is used with a configuration that does not allow to recover the output.

Could you send the output of the options command?

I think the parameter you need to configure is WAIT, to retrieve the output it must be greater than 0

As you can see from the second line of the output, the module is used with a configuration that does not allow to recover the output.

Could you send the output of the options command?

I think the parameter you need to configure is WAIT, to retrieve the output it must be greater than 0

thank you for reply,this time i set wait =10, i still can not get ouput.

is there a way that we can add some logs on ruby or HostingCLR to help us debug?

i try to debug hostingclr and this is the error infomation

I did a quick test and it seems to be something related to SafatyKatz in particular.

I tried on the same session to run Seatbelt first and then SafetyKatz.

Seatbelt works SafetyKatz no.

The first thing to check is if you have the same behavior by disabling Defender.

everytime i try msf module, it failed on load_3.
then i try "go-execute-assembly" for muit times ,first time works fine,it will failed on the second times,failed on invoke_3(so maybe it is not the problem on SafetyKatz or Seatbelt but who run first).

i also try "https://github.com/etormadiv/HostingCLR" and hard code assembly in source code,it works everytime.

so i think maybe there is something wrong in ReflectiveLoader?

Do you mean that you have the same behavior with Seatbelt for example?