
[Bug]: When I pull the Babel source code and execute the make bootstrap command, a syntax error is reported

moonsky-all opened this issue · 4 comments


  • Would you like to work on a fix?

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Input code

When I pull the Babel source code and execute the make bootstrap command, a syntax error is reported.


I have checked my local environmental information, as follows


Configuration file name

No response


No response

Current and expected behavior

I hope it can be compiled locally


  • babel:8.0
  • yarn: 4.2.2
  • node: 20.9
  • MacOS: 14.4.1

Possible solution

No response

Additional context

No response

Hey @moonsky-all! We really appreciate you taking the time to report an issue. The collaborators on this project attempt to help as many people as possible, but we're a limited number of volunteers, so it's possible this won't be addressed swiftly.

If you need any help, or just have general Babel or JavaScript questions, we have a vibrant Slack community that typically always has someone willing to help. You can sign-up here for an invite.

Can you try node v20.13.1?

Yes to build Babel one will need node.js 20.10.0 or above. We should update the node requirement here as well

_Node_: Check that Node is [installed]( with version `^12.20 || >= 14.13`. You can check this with `node -v`.

Yes when I switch to node.js 20.13, I successfully compiled the source code, thank you