
SteamStore not working

mrousavy opened this issue · 5 comments

I can't seem to find a way to use the SteamStore API.

I tried initializing it via the webInterfaceFactory.CreateSteamWebInterface<T> factory method, and via it's default constructor, but nothing seems to work.



I'm just trying to find out whether a game has multiplayer/coop support or not.


@mrousavy the SteamStore interface is admittedly poorly written and not following the same patterns as the rest of the SDK.

Your second approach should work, but I don't think the appid you're using has any information tied to it. You can bypass my SDK and hit the Steam Store API directly to confirm.

The above returns success: false.

I'm having the same issue with EconItems. Is there a workaround for it as well or am I doing something wrong?

var steam = SteamInterface.CreateSteamWebInterface<EconItems>(new HttpClient());

@CriticalFlaw EconItems has to be constructed with the overloaded CreateSteamWebInterface method that takes in an EconItemsAppId to identify which application your requests will be for. I know, not very intuitive. I'm thinking of a way to make this better.

That did it. Such a silly thing for me to miss. Thank you!

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