Value of "Backup Source" isn't saved with "Advanced Backup" profile settings
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Not sure if this is intended, but it feels a bit odd:
On admin/config/system/backup_migrate/export/advanced one can create custom profiles. All values except for "Backup Source" are saved, so every time one runs a backup, one has to remember, which source this setting is meant for.
This might be by intention or an oversight. But given, that Backdrop has more possible sources than D7, it seems worth considering.
It's not urgent, BTW.
I believe that's on purpose (although I don't think it's very sensible). The UI gives us a clue that you can use any profile to create backups for any source:
The one thing that DOES get saved is the list of excluded files for all available sources. Those are saved within the profile db record.
If you ask me, I think the architecture (and code) of BM is pretty screwy. It looks like things were added over the years without much refactoring or thinking.
Anyway, BM is used so much that perhaps we'll need to wait until a new major release to refactor.
Also sources are saved in the scheduled backups.
It maybe okay the way it is for manual backups because it saves the last used and gives flexibility to user to select what they want for the manual backup.