
Provide info about config storage backend in status command

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Currently, if the active config storage class is db ($settings['config_active_class'] = 'ConfigDatabaseStorage';) and the path isn't set, there's no display of that info when running bee st.

It would be nice to add that to

Note: there's absolutely no error or problem, just no info output re db. So it's not urgent, just nice to have.

@yorkshire-pudding wow, that was quick. 😉

I tested with "normal" sites (ConfigFileStorage) and a site, that has active storage in the database. Both work like a charm.

"traditional site":

 Config storage active    /path/to/bd-config/active  
 Config storage staging   /path/to/bd-config/staging 

Database storage:

 Config storage active    Database                                
 Config storage staging   /var/www/bdroptesting/bd-config/staging 

There's some odd test failure, which seems unrelated (DBLog Commands, but bee ws works fine...).