
Backstage sonarqube integration - "No project with key exist"

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๐Ÿ“œ Description

I have been trying to integrate backstage with sonarqube . I have tried the instruction given on and also tried . But nothing is working. I am getting "no project with key exists. In token/api I am sending token generated from administration tab. I have tried project token and user token (squ..., and sqp...). Can anyone please tell me exact config , suposing that my sonarqube instance is

To debug the issue, in Postman I hit API ["] . With project token it gives me correct result but with usertoken it gives me 401 unauthorized, (though I have created user token using admin account). Also, in Postman when I hit the same api via backstage host like https://<backstage_host>/api/sonarqube/components/search?qualifiers=TRK&componentKeys=test:projectKey , then it return html which is loging page of my backstage host.

๐Ÿ‘ Expected behavior


๐Ÿ‘Ž Actual Behavior with Screenshots


๐Ÿ‘Ÿ Reproduction steps

Added config in app-config and added annotation with project key in the catalog-info

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  • I checked and didn't find similar issue

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then it return html which is loging page of my backstage host

Can I ask if other parts of the API are returning correct responses? Are you using a proxy or the sonarqube backend. If you are using the proxy, you may need to set the following setting to the internal url of the backend api.


can you also share the annotation you have set in the entity?

Please double check that the annotation is in one of the following format:

      // Examples:
      //   instanceA/projectA  -> projectInstance = "instanceA" & projectKey = "projectA"
      //   instanceA/tenantA:projectA -> projectInstance = "instanceA" & projectKey = "tenantA:projectA"
      //   instanceA/tenantA/projectA -> projectInstance = "instanceA" & projectKey = "tenantA/projectA"


The annotation I am using is: "" as suggested in the document.

Can you please tell me with example what exactly should come in tenantA or projectA or what is instanceA in instanceA/projectA -> projectInstance = "instanceA" & projectKey = "projectA".
I have defined instanceA in app-config as given below but it not work for me:

- name: default
apiKey: squ_......


Can I ask if other parts of the API are returning correct responses? : Can you please explain what are you referring to "other parts of API" . If you are asking for other integrations are working, then yes jfrog artifactory plugin and jira plugin are working fine. Facing issue with sonarqube only.

Also, as I mentioned earlier in postman if I hit sonarqube api "api/components/search" , it works fine with project token, but if I hit same api with backstage host, it return backstage login page html

Are you using a proxy or the sonarqube backend. I tried with both but none of them worked.

you may need to set the following setting to the internal url of the backend api. What do you mean by that. I did add this in app-config. Is this the same you are talking about else please guide me.


The annotation I am using is: "" as suggested in the document.

Can you please tell me with example what exactly should come in tenantA or projectA or what is instanceA in instanceA/projectA -> projectInstance = "instanceA" & projectKey = "projectA". I have defined instanceA in app-config as given below but it not work for me:

sonarqube: instances: - name: default baseUrl: apiKey: squ_......

I have no idea, I'm not familiar with the plugin. But looking at the documentation it suggests the following:

so the value of is supposed to be defined by two parts (instance name, project key) separated by /

I've found a way to make it works.

In fact, there is a key/value missing in app-config.yaml which is instanceKey.

From the code we can see in router.test.ts

it('query default instance when instanceKey not provided', async () => {
      getBaseUrlMock.mockReturnValue({ baseUrl: DUMMY_INSTANCE_URL });
      const response = await request(app).get('/instanceUrl').send();
        instanceName: undefined,
      expect(response.body).toEqual({ instanceUrl: DUMMY_INSTANCE_URL });

That helped me to see there is a fallback on default instance which is localhost if not provided, which is of course not the case because I use

By updating my config like bellow it works : 

  name: myName
  instanceKey: myInstance
  apiKey: *************************

I've made a PR to update README here : #2026