
Issue in pg_dump schema backup for foreign servers

unotech001 opened this issue · 2 comments


We are taking schema backup by pg_dump and restoring the schema backup using psql, we have foreign servers created in our schema/database but this foreign servers are not coming in schema level backup hence after restoration the foreign servers are not restoring

We run the below queries to create foreign servers:

  1. Create Extension tds_fdw
  2. Create SERVER server_name foreign data wrapper tds_fdw options (database 'dbname',msg_handler 'notice',port 'port',servername 'server_ip');
  3. CREATE USER MAPPING FOR local_user SERVER server_name OPTIONS (username 'foreign_user', password 'password');
  4. create foreign table;

But after taking backup by below command the above scripts are not coming in schema backup file(only foreign table coming)
pg_dump -d dbname -n schema | gzip > /path/file.sql.gz

then we dropped the schema by below command:
Drop Schema schema_name cascade;

After that we restored the above schema level backup:
gunzip -c file.sql.gz | psql -d dbname

But after restoration the foreign server not comming in database and showing error like below:

ERROR: server "server_name" does not exist

Kindly provide us the solution on this. It wil be helpful for us.


I am facing the same issue with Postgres-11.

stale commented

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