
installation fails on Ubuntu 18.04 due do dependency on ancient json vesion

matkoniecz opened this issue · 4 comments

What went wrong?

Installation failed during test install of 18.04 Ubuntu
it appears that it depends on json version from 2015 - see

What steps did you follow?

  1. sudo gem install backup
  2. sudo gem install backup --version 4.3.0 (as it was in template of issue)

How is your copy of backup configured?

not relevant

Tell us about the computer that runs the backup gem

uname -a gives Linux golem 4.18.0-25-generic #26~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 27 07:28:31 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

  • Operating system: Lubuntu 18.04
  • Ruby version: 2.5.1p57
  • Tools or services used by backup: None

I think it is because of json 1.8.2 is incompatible with ruby 2.4.0, With 2.5.1 will be probably the same

See this issue flori/json#303

I encounter the same problem. I do not know how to fix it yet.


gem install backup -v5.0.0.beta.1

Closing as technically it is solved - though this version will be never released as this project is dead.

Maybe I will submit this unreleased version as a separate gem, and potentially maintain parts that I use?

I am tempted to open a new issue "Release 5.0.0"

In meantime current fix is to use gem install backup -v5.0.0.beta.3 to get version from 2020 (see )