Rack v1: Invalid tag in plugin.json
cschol opened this issue · 5 comments
cschol commented
From the manifest validation script:
Validating BaconMusic
QuantEyes: invalid tags: Quantier
baconpaul commented
Ok cool - easy to fix
Is there a linter I could run or something to have found this?
cschol commented
I wrote one yesterday and will maybe add it to the library repo.
baconpaul commented
Cool anyway I fixed this. Thanks for the good eyes!
baconpaul commented
Oh and if you are building a linter, here's 3 lines of bash that makes sure your license tag is in the SPDX list that I banged together a little while ago. Use it if you find it useful! This outputs the license if one matches a tag; and nothing if it doesn't.
curl -o l.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spdx/license-list-data/master/json/licenses.json
lic=`jq -r '{license} | .[]' plugin.json`
jq --arg lic "$lic" '.licenses[] | select( .licenseId==$lic )' l.json
cschol commented
Thanks. I came up with something similar in Python.