
Database section in the docs

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I feel like the documentation is not really straight about database usage, as the installation instructions are structured by cloud provider / hosting environment, but don't really mention the specific services needed for BaGetter to function (database + storage + search).

  • On your computer links to Configuration, but doesn't mention what can be configured. I think this should at least contain something like "Database for metadata, storage for packages, and other configuration options are in the configuration guide"
  • Docker at least has the example Dockerfile in front, demonstrating a few options before referring to Configuration. I feel like this should have a message somewhere that goes "you can either put it in appsettings, set it in the Dockerfile, pass an env file, or configure the environment via your respective cloud provider settings".
  • Azure just assumes SQL Server with no Azure-specific information, this seems both redundant to Configuration and also omitting the actually possible options of all other SQL providers you can use in Azure. Maybe this could have a similarly generic message like On your computer, as there's really no difference here, except "make sure the service hosting BaGetter is allowed through the database firewall" or something.
  • Amazon has those nice tabs, but the only difference between them is the provider name/setting. This could also just refer to the Configuration.
  • Google cloud has a more thorough almost step-by-step manual, even an example connection string. This is what I'd've expected the Amazon tabs to be like. Maybe this style should be in the database Configuration section. GCP also has the only cloud-specific hint about creating, downloading and using a client certificate, which is the kind of information I'd expect in the provider-specific guides.

I'm currently updating packages and testing them, so naturally I follow the guides to set up every kind of...setup. This makes it kinda complicated, I keep moving back and forth between guide pages. What do you think? Have you used the documentation to setup BaGetter beyond local/docker+sqlite+file storage?

Hi. I was going to open an issue exactly about the same. The docs -inherited from the oiriginal BaGet- are quite unorganized. Instead of organizing by provider, we could organize by service: database, storage, cache, search, mirror etc.

Then, we could have specific sections for deployment, as it is now, for local, cloud, Docker and Kubernetes. Subsections could include different cloud service providers: Azure, AWS, GCP, etc.

This is my initial proposal. I can lend a hand here if you want.

  • Home
  • Installation
    • Local
      • Windows IIS proxy
    • Docker
      • Docker compose file
      • Load secrets from files
      • Docker Swarm
    • Kubernetes
      • Helm chart
  • Configuration
    • Database
    • Storage
    • Cache
    • NuGet package settings
      • Cache read-through
      • Allow overwrites
      • Package size
      • Statistics
    • IIS server options
    • Healthchecks
    • Metrics
    • ...
    • Server options
      • Kestrel
      • IIS
      • nginx
      • ...
  • Usage
    • Consuming packages
    • Publishing packages
      • Publishing symbol packages
    • Configuring Visual Studio
  • Advanced
    • Import/Export
  • About Bagetter
    • Why Bagetter?
    • Comparison with other products