
Unable to run the app locally

karmendra opened this issue · 3 comments

I am running node v20.10.0 and npm v 10.2.4, but on npm run dev the node server is not running and getting following response

λ npm run dev

> dev
> turbo run dev

 WARNING  Issues occurred when constructing package graph. Turbo will function, but some features may not be available: could not resolve workspaces: io error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
• Packages in scope: @vercel/commerce, @vercel/commerce-bagisto, @vercel/commerce-bigcommerce, @vercel/commerce-commercejs, @vercel/commerce-kibocommerce, @vercel/commerce-local, @vercel/commerce-ordercloud, @vercel/commerce-saleor, @vercel/commerce-shopify, @vercel/commerce-spree, @vercel/commerce-swell, @vercel/commerce-vendure, next-commerce, taskr-swc
• Running dev in 14 packages
• Remote caching disabled
@vercel/commerce-local:dev: cache bypass, force executing 0e7877725585d035
@vercel/commerce-commercejs:dev: cache bypass, force executing e18300c86287fc39
@vercel/commerce:dev: cache bypass, force executing 0cf8f3f0871856b4
next-commerce:dev: cache bypass, force executing 6cfa05b961a30cef
@vercel/commerce-swell:dev: cache bypass, force executing b6ec92b0c5469e48
@vercel/commerce-vendure:dev: cache bypass, force executing 85f79bfb18d4774c
@vercel/commerce-saleor:dev: cache bypass, force executing ffe942860da23eee
@vercel/commerce-bagisto:dev: cache bypass, force executing 26bf8a1653399624
@vercel/commerce-spree:dev: cache bypass, force executing d8f35d200631b4c9
@vercel/commerce-shopify:dev: cache bypass, force executing e66897da546b8ce6
@vercel/commerce-ordercloud:dev: cache bypass, force executing bc089e6c427ac08e
@vercel/commerce-bigcommerce:dev: cache bypass, force executing 99c7623b86d71940
@vercel/commerce-kibocommerce:dev: cache bypass, force executing 344df0c2ec9adbbb

 Tasks:    0 successful, 13 total
Cached:    0 cached, 13 total
  Time:    1.303s


I did lot more search to find any previous reporting or attempted resolution, but was unable to find anything in this regard. Additionally I want to point that I am trying to run this in Windows 10 machine (if its relevant I use Conemu based terminal emulator called cmder, I also tried things with git bash, but same error)

@karmendra Have you done the configurations properly?

Please follow the following steps.

In active issue/no reply for a long time