

baidut opened this issue · 0 comments

implot has been removed, see #16

%IMPLOT Plot images.
%   IMPLOT(I,J,K,...) plots I,J,K,... with automatic layout, each input can
%   be a string pecifying the image, a matrix or image data(rgb/gray/bw). Filename or
%   variable name of each input and the type of image will be titled.
%   Example 1
%   ---------
%   Plot the images of given folder. 
%      Football = imread('football.jpg');
%      Cameraman = imread('cameraman.tif'); 
%      implot(Football, Cameraman);
%      implot('kids.tif',rgb2gray(Football), im2bw(Cameraman));
%      maxfig;
%   Example 2
%   ---------
%   Plot the images of a given folder. 
%      files = str2files('dataset/lane detection/*.picture'); 
%      % files = str2files('./*.jpg'); % current folder
%      implot(files{:});
%   See also SELPLOT.