enhancement request: function names listing and display
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Looking at the Janet docs for the string module:
The function names at the top are bunched together making them difficult to read (see screenshot). Could these be listed vertically, in a bulleted list, like a table of contents? That would make it much easier to navigate.
In the actual display of the docs for a given function, on my system (Debian, Firefox), it looks like this (see attached screenshot below). It would be easier to read if the function names starting each block were larger, bolder, and possibly monospace font. (Aside, I'm grateful for the HR's (horizontal lines) in the docs.)
I can use the docs now, but generally need to ctrl-f search them for what I want. With a nice ToC at the top, and bold function name headings for each chunk of documentation, it would be much easier to browse.
I think this is better discussed in https://github.com/janet-lang/janet-lang.org.
Sorry, I'm probably mixing two issues together here:
- the function names index on the top (making it a list): I think this is a mendoza issue, since it would change how mendoza structures its output
- the styling of function names further down the page: this may or may not be a mendoza issue: currently the function names is in a span, but it may make sense to make it into an h2 or h3 if the ToC index at the top links down to it.
Well, it is not that hard to make a vertical list from any elements just by CSS. Same for the size of the function names. I know that Mendoza has a default mdzdoc template to render this. Still, I would rather consider changing it on the web page.
And the proposed changes need more consideration anyway :-).