Assignment Blueprint for backend

You will be working on migrating a Next.js application from the pages directory to the new app router.

Project features:

NextAuth.js to handle authentication in a Next.js app.

i18next to handle internationalization.

NProgress to show a progress bar at the top when a page changes.

redux for state management.

reduxjs/toolkit for API caching and data fetching.

the application uses a fake API for login and registration: DummyJSON Auth API.

Task Requirements

Your main task is to migrate the application from the pages dir to the new app router. While doing so, you are required to:

Implement authentication and localization without using any third-party libraries. Enable i18n routing. Improve the current code to follow best practices.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up the project locally:

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd assignment-frontend-blueprint

Install dependencies:

npm install

Copy the .env.example file to .env and add the necessary values for the keys:

cp .env.example .env

Start the development server:

npm run dev

Project Structure

  • contextes/
    • AppContext.tsx
    • AuthContext.tsx
    • ToastContext.tsx
  • hooks/ - Custom hooks used in the application.
  • store/ - Redux store setup.
  • types/ - TypeScript types.
  • utils/ - Utility helpers.
  • pages/ - Contains app pages.
  • public/ - Contains public eg: (locales).
  • styles/ - Contains global styles.
  • next-i18next.config.js - i18next config

Your Task

1. Migrate to App Router

  • Move the application from the pages directory to the new app router in Next.js.

2. Implement Authentication

  • remove NextAuth.js and implement a Cookie-based session management

3. Implement Internationalization

  • remove i18next and implement a solution using Next.js built-in support for internationalized

4. Enable multi-language support

  • Implement i18n routing to support multiple languages.

5. Analyze and improve the code

  • while migrating the app if you see any features that could be implemented better or improved by following best practices just apply what you think is right

6. Replace Redux/Reduxjs Toolkit with Built-In Solutions

  • Remove Redux and Reduxjs Toolkit from the application and use built-in solutions

7. Use TailwindCSS to code Pixel Perfect Design

8. Apply responsive design to the previous page (bonus task)

9. SEO and MetaData

  • Ensure the application works perfectly with SEO.
  • Implement appropriate metadata for all pages to enhance SEO.


  • in the comments page you should apply pagination to the comments to replace Reduxjs Toolkit with whatever you feel right

11. Unit/E2E testing for your application

12. Deployment (bonus task)

  • deploy your project to Vercel


Once you have completed the task, submit your changes by pushing to a new branch and creating a pull request in your cloned repository. Include a detailed description of the changes you made and any additional improvements or features you implemented.

my edit

  • if user not login will redirect to home page and register and login page will be hidden.
  • I updated the project (nextjs 14) to use the new Next.js router. and update all the dependencies.
  • I have created a new folder called app and moved all the pages to it.
  • I have removed NextAuth.js and implemented a Cookie-based session management. and context API for authentication. in the contextes folder. AuthContext.tsx
  • I use server action to handle the login and register. in the server action folder.
  • if user authenticated the user will be redirected to the home page.
  • i make every page server component. for SEO and performance.
  • I make hook for every page to split the logic and the view.
  • I have removed i18next and implemented a solution using Next.js built-in support for internationalized.
  • I have implemented i18n routing to support multiple languages.
  • I have created a new folder called dictionaries and added the translation files.
  • I have created a new button to change the language. in home page
  • I updated ar.json and en.json files.
  • I make file for the SEO keywords and description. called seo-keywords.util.ts in the utils folder.
  • every page server component for SEO and performance.
  • in comments page i fetch (async/await) data with fetch api and i use the built-in nextjs 14 cache.
  • i revalidate the data when add new comment only
  • i make pagination for the comments. with react-paginate library. and make shared component for the pagination. in components folder.
  • when add new comment will appear in the top of the comments list.
  • I design the page with Tailwind CSS and make it responsive. only with tailwind css.
  • I make dark light and switch button
  • I use swiper for the slider in the page.
  • I Make hamburger menu for the mobile view.
  • I make the page responsive for all devices.