
HTTP API: seems both methods "fix" and "candidate" don't return expected results with russian words

shadow1512 opened this issue · 1 comments

I trained a model with default kapitanskaya_dochka.txt (also tried with Anna Karenina and collection of 160 000+ russian words) and russian alphabet file. I started HTTP server with these models and used both GET and POST methods via console (in UTF-8: curl -d "ствкан" http://localhost:8080/candidates or curl -d "синтябрь" http://localhost:8080/fix) and via PHP test script (also in UTF-8).
The server responded but with empty candidates array.

UPD: Also tried downloaded model (ru_small.bin) with the same result. After all tried English one - the same result. So, it looks like the server is working and responding, but always failed with answer.

Ubuntu 16.04

bakwc commented

Checked, everything works fine. You need to wait while model loaded.