
Model created on Linux doesn't load on Windows

sayak1711 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have run Jamspell on RHEL, Ubuntu and Windows.
The models we create on Windows can be loaded there however models created on other OS can't be loaded on Windows machine. Since my Windows machine doesn't have as much ram as the linux ones this is a problem for me.

Same. Moreover, the models trained on windows does not provide any corrections to any kind of spellings provided.

corrector = jamspell.TSpellCorrector()
print(corrector.GetCandidates("An appel a day keeps the doctor away".split(), 0))

('appel', 'ppel', 'appl', 'appeal', 'apel', 'apple', 'appe', 'appet', 'appen', 'appels')

bakwc commented

Fixed in "Pro" version. "Pro" version is fully cross-platform, works on windows / mac / linux / mobile devices.

JamSpellPro is available at