
Feature: Add support for update callback

mcassaniti opened this issue · 4 comments

When a replicated object is updated and that update is committed, it would be useful to be able to run a callback when the update occurs. For example:

  • A replicated dictionary is available across 3 nodes
  • One of those nodes makes a change of some form to the dictionary and that update is successfully committed
  • All nodes are notified of the change in state of the dictionary and run their callback function

If this is already implemented then I apologise for asking, but it wasn't clear from the documentation.

bakwc commented

There is an automatically added callback argument to all functions marked with replicated decorator. See the docs.
Also when you call them with sync=true arguments - they will wait commit automatically. You can instead call them with callback=yourFunc and you will receive a callback as soon as operation committed.

OK, excellent 😄 Is there any documentation on what gets passed to the result argument of the callback function?

bakwc commented

It gets two arguments. First one is what your function returns (None if nothing). And the second one - fail reason enum.

I took me a while to understand this even though the documentation does match what is supposed to happen. Thanks for the feedback. I've only just been able to take another look at pysyncobj after all this time.