
Only one request

GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 4 comments

jquery-translate version: trunk
jQuery version: 1.5
browser: FF5

I have quite a large page I am trying to translate.
The code I use:
  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery('#content').translateTextNodes('pl','en', {async:true});

The problem is, only one request to the translating service gets send each time 
I open the page, this means that translation doeas work, but it only translates 
one fragments, in my case header and first row of a table, not the rest of the 

Tried both Google and Bing, read through wiki and issues but I can't seem to 
get the solution.

Am I missing something? How do I translate entire page, revursively, using 
multiple requests to the trasnlation service.

Thank you for your time, and for this great plugin, I just hope I'll get it 
work as I expect.

Original issue reported on by on 24 Sep 2011 at 1:50

Sorry, but without seeing the actual page I can't say too much. You can email 
it to me if it's not public.

Original comment by balazs.endresz on 24 Sep 2011 at 2:38

This issue has already come up before, it looks like haven't fixed it yet. The 
< signs cause some problems because the plugin needs to detect if there's some 
broken html tags in the text because then it has to be cut before those, in 
order to stay below the per request character limit. Now that's actually more 
complicated than it sounds, and I couldn't find a way around it yet.

For your page something like this should work though:

  var $this = jQuery(this);
  $this.text( $this.text().replace("<","") );

jQuery("body").translateTextNodes("pl", "en", function(){
    var $this = jQuery(this);
    $this.text( "<" + $this.text() );

or maybe just this: 

jQuery("body").translate("pl", "en", {not:".auction_price_bold"});

But there's an exception thrown, and I don't why because the JavaScript is 
minified on the page!

Original comment by balazs.endresz on 24 Sep 2011 at 4:53

  • Changed state: Accepted
Thank you for such a quick reply.

I made a static copy of an example page from the site. Stripped down all the 
CSS and JS.
The original site is Joomla! generated, but I don't think that has anything to 
do with the issue, since inside Joomla! the problem is exactly the same - only 
header of te table gets translated.

Original comment by on 24 Sep 2011 at 2:46

Thank you very much! It's a lifesaver.

Original comment by on 26 Sep 2011 at 9:04