Interruption during playback
dahumph opened this issue · 11 comments
Hi, I'm running latest brutefir plugin on latest volumio version on RPI3. Everything works fine, except that playback is interrupted approx. once a minute for about 1 second. Investigation shows that at time of interruptions brutefir.real processes are closing and new brutefir.real PIDs are started. Probably the process crashes and restarts, continues to work for a few seconds or minutes and so on. Tried it with *.dbl and *.txt filters, both resulting in same issue.
Any idea how to improve on that? Wondering if anybody else has that issue?
Hi, do you use a usb Dac? What version of the plugin?
I'm not using any usb devices, only a Mytec DAC is connected via a hifiberry digi+ SPDIF out. Plugin version is from 3rd November(1.3.4). But I had that issue with older verions, even with brutefir2 years ago. Is there a verbose mode or a logfile so I can check why the brutefir.real processes are closing after a short time?
Anybody? Wondering if I'm the only one having those drops while using almost a standard setup with RPI3 and a hifiberry soundcard
You can check if error occurs while playing using 'sudo journactl -f'
Ok thanks. Basically it is a broken pipe problem. The relevant output is as following:
Nov 11 14:35:26 volumio volumio[6285]: ALSA I/O: Could not read audio: Broken pipe.
Nov 11 14:35:26 volumio volumio[6285]: I/O module failed to read (probably) due to buffer underflow on output, aborting.
Nov 11 14:35:26 volumio systemd[1]: brutefir.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=5/NOTINSSTALLED
Nov 11 14:35:26 volumio systemd[1]: Unit brutefir.service entered failed state.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio systemd[1]: brutefir.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio systemd[1]: Stopping brutefir Daemon...
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio systemd[1]: Starting brutefir Daemon...
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio systemd[1]: Started brutefir Daemon.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: BruteFIR v1.0m (November 2013) (c) Anders Torger
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Internal resolution is 64 bit floating point.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Creating 4 FFTW plans of size 4096...finished.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Loading 16 coefficient sets...finished.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priorities are min = 2, usermax = 1, mid = 3 and max = 4.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Warning: no support for clock cycle counter on this platform.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Timers for benchmarking may be unreliable.
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priority 1 set for cli process (pid 6996)
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priority 3 set for input process (pid 6991)
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priority 4 set for filter process (pid 6995)
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priority 4 set for filter process (pid 6994)
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Realtime priority 3 set for output process (pid 6997)
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Fixed I/O-delay is 4096 samples
Nov 11 14:35:27 volumio volumio[6990]: Audio processing starts now
This error occures peridodically approximately every 1 minute. During playback and strangely also during idle. It brakes even if no filters are set.
Any idea where I can start to fix it?
I use the plugin with a RPI3 + allo boss DAC and it works perfecly. So I think we can exclude a problem from the RPI... Do you use something else (plugin or other program) on the device?
There is no other service running, clean volumio installation and only the DRC plugin installed, so I suspected an issue with the Hifiberry digi card and unmounted it. Connected to a DAC via USB =>no more errors.
So at this point we can conclude it's most probably a compatibility issue with the hifiberry digi+ board.
Any suggestion where to start fixing is highly welcome
Did you solve this problem with the Hifiberry digi?
I encounter a similar issue. Running 9 months with Volumio/DRC plugin, without problems.
After upgrading to 2.699 and DRC 1.4.2 I also have frequent interruptions.
If I lower the bitrate of DRC it gets better, but interruptions still occur.
I'm running on a Pi2B could it be that newer versions are compiled differently?
Do you remember your last working version of the plugin?or approximately the date? Some other users reports the same problem, but I don't met it until know. So it is not easy to understand what happens. When using 'sudo journalctl -f' while playing, what happens when it stop? Can you see some errors?
Hi Balbuze, Thanks for your response.....
I added a new issue in Jira (#254) with the 'sudo journalctl -f' output, because I thought the issue was slightly different then this thread. I also did some further testing with versions
Results are:
Volumio 2.598 + DRC 1.1.5 --> 44.1khz = OK, 48khz = OK, 96khz = OK
Volumio 2.598 + DRC 1.4.2 --> 44.1khz = occasional drop, 48khz = NOT OK, 96khz = NOT OK
Volumio 2.699 + DRC 1.4.2 --> 44.1khz = occasional drop, 48khz --> NOT OK, 96khz = NOT OK
Did you solve this problem with the Hifiberry digi?
No, not at all. But I can say that for me this issue is persisting for 2 years now, I tried it from time to time with the latest versions of Volumio and the plugin. For my setup with RPI3 and the HifiBerry digi+ board it never worked, regardless which Volumio version.