prepareCriterion in CriteriaProcessor escaping already escaped date
johnywith1n opened this issue · 3 comments
johnywith1n commented
In criteriaProcessor.js, the function prepareCriterion
doesn't check if a value is already an escaped date when its processing NOT clauses.
This is creating SQL statements like:
SELECT * WHERE ((`message`.`createdAt` <> "\"2015-01-21 20:09:47\"" ) OR (`message`.`id` < 75 )) AND `message`.`createdAt` <= "2015-01-21 20:09:47" ORDER BY `message`.`createdAt` DESC, `message`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
"\"2015-01-21 20:09:47\""
I'm not sure if this also affects the cases below it, but they also don't check for already escaped dates.
johnywith1n commented
Was this check left out for any particular reason?
CWyrtzen commented
sailsbot commented
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