
Quote and weather rotation does not work

gelbal opened this issue · 3 comments

[gelbal] This issue has attached support thread

fast fix

  • default --> quote only.
  • ALTERNATE_FREQUENCY set --> switch between quote/weather
  • DISPLAY_QUOTE = 0 --> showing only weather

substitute the last block of code in after the comment
Alternate to other display code

if "DISPLAY_QUOTE" in os.environ and os.environ["DISPLAY_QUOTE"]=='0':
        os.environ["NEXT_DISPLAY"] = 'weather'
        if(NEXT_DISPLAY == 'quote' and "ALTERNATE_FREQUENCY" in os.environ): 
            os.environ["NEXT_DISPLAY"] = 'weather'
        else :
            os.environ["NEXT_DISPLAY"] = 'quote'

Hey @manuelemac thanks for chiming in. Would you like to open a pull request with your solution?

Then we could test it out and merge it once we confirm that this solves the issue.