
is there a strict json schema linting mode?

wenhoujx opened this issue · 1 comments

is there a configuration to validate against the json schema and underline the errors in red?
for example, i have a package.json where i can add a "optionalDependencies": 123 which violates the json schema for package.json.

if this is out of the scope of this project, would appreciate your recommendations of other package for this purpose, preferably allow custom jsonschema ?


This package doesn't support schema validation, only autocomplete.

I don't know about / use any package that does this.

If you are planning to create one:

  • (it's a generic purpose linter "engine" that you could extend)
  • You'll need a schema validator, which reports line/column numbers (I did a bit of research, haven't found one so this is a bit of a challenge)