
Programming Sound Cards CD

Sembiance opened this issue · 2 comments

A new website called DiscMaster has a bunch of programming CDs, including one called: Programming Sound Cards

The directory names are not very descriptive, but looking in a couple of the folders I found lots of example source code for working with sound cards under DOS. May want to add a link to this resource.

Additionally I found another CD with very little searching: Programmers Heaven 1
They have a section for MS-DOS programming:'s%20Heaven%20(InfoMagic)(March%201997).BIN/www/about.htm

There is probably a ton of other DOS programming resources on that site.

Not to completely hijack your thread, @Sembiance, but this seems related:

One specific piece of DOS sound card programming documentation and SDK I have been looking for is the MS-DOS Developers Kit for the Windows Sound System. I suspect it comes with two binary blobs for WSS-compatible sound cards. These binary files were distributed with the source code of the DIGPAK sound drivers, but it would be nice to get clarity on the terms on which these blobs and the Developers Kit were released.

See my post in this other GitHub thread for more background and info on this.

If anybody reading this happens to have a copy of this Developers Kit, which I haven't been able to find on-line so far, please let me know! Thanks. 🙂

Hey @Sembiance and @volkertb !

Thanks for the findings! I will take a look at them and include in the list. Sorry for not reacting, I still have to clean up my e-mail notifications to see updates to this repo.