
When a prefix is used when import jsondata expected type validation compiler analysis won't work

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Steps to reproduce:

import ballerina/data.jsondata as jd;
import ballerina/io;

type Union xml|json;

public function main() returns error? {
    string content = string `{"name": "John"}`;
    Union value = check jd:parseString(content);

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      - Reason/EngineeringMistake - The issue occurred due to a mistake made in the past.
      - Reason/Regression - The issue has introduced a regression.
      - Reason/MultipleComponentInteraction - Issue occured due to interactions in multiple components.
      - Reason/Complex - Issue occurred due to complex scenario.
      - Reason/Invalid - Issue is invalid.
      - Reason/Other - None of the above cases.