
WebSocket `remote` function throws runtime error when returning `array`

hasathcharu opened this issue · 0 comments

The remote function in a websocket:Service class which returns an array type throws the following error and does not return the array to the console.

[2024-06-05 13:52:41,770] SEVERE {b7a.log.crash} - null 
        at java.base/java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
        at io.ballerina.runtime.internal.values.ArrayValueImpl.getBytes(
        at io.ballerina.stdlib.websocket.WebSocketResourceCallback.sendBinaryMessage(
        at io.ballerina.stdlib.websocket.WebSocketResourceCallback.notifySuccess(
        at io.ballerina.runtime.internal.scheduling.Scheduler.postProcess(
        at io.ballerina.runtime.internal.scheduling.Scheduler.runSafely(
        at java.base/

Steps to reproduce:

  • Write a remote function in a websocket:Service class that returns an array
public type Info record {|
    string event;
service class WsServiceUser {
    remote function onArray(Info info) returns int[] {
        int[] arr = [1,3,5,6,7];
        return arr;
  • Connect to the web-socket through the websocat command line client
websocat ws://localhost:9092/user
  • Send a subscription message with the event dispatcher key

Affected Versions:
Ballerina Swan Lake Update 09

OS, DB, other environment details and versions:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Websocat: 1.13.0

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