
Transformation Combinator

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Inspired by Daniel's work on the parser combinator, why not re-imagine the evaluator engine as a function combinator?

At the moment (version 0.7/0.8), an XPath expression or XSLT stylesheet is compiled into a Sequence Constructor. This is a nested data structure that describes how a sequence should be constructed. Instead, use function combinators to build a new function that is the evaluator. That function would take a transformation context as its argument.

I've been doing some experimentation on this idea; these are in a new branch "transcomb". See for the transformation combinator.

So far I have created functions: literal, context, sequence, compose, and step. These functions return a result which if successful contain a Sequence.

"sequence" takes a vector of functions. The result of each of these functions becomes an item in the returned Sequence. The original Context is used for each function.

"compose" takes a vector of functions. Each function is evaluated in turn, with the returned sequence of a function being used as the context of the next function. If each function is the "step" function, then this is an XPath path.

For example, a path in XPath such as child::node()/child::node() looks like:

    step(NodeMatch{axis: Axis::Child, nodetest: NodeTest::Kind(KindTest::AnyKindTest)}),
    step(NodeMatch{axis: Axis::Child, nodetest: NodeTest::Kind(KindTest::AnyKindTest)}),

This gets evaluated by calling it with a Context:

ev(Context::new()).expect("evaluation failed")

Of course, the context needs to be a tree (RNode) to actually return anything. See the tests in the module for a more complete example.

Variables and functions now added.

This is looking very promising. :D

The next step will be handling XPath patterns. The current code does this by reversing a Constructor, which is OK since it is just a data structure. Reversing a function may be challenging ;-)

Unfortunately, the transformation combinator idea hasn't worked out.

Patterns were the first to go. They are basically expression in reverse and it was too difficult to represent them as a function. However, predicates in patterns still use XPath expressions so they ended up being mixed.

When I tried to bring everything together in the XSLT module it really fell apart. The combination of transformation combinator functions with parser functions and then Pattern structures just became too complicated. :-(

Was worth trying anyway! I've redone so many parts of the XML parser... nevermind the Ship of Theseus, I could build him a whole fleet! But I needed to do it to know what way to go about it.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
― Thomas A. Edison

We may revisit this at some point in the future. I've spent months working on it and it feels bad to give up on the whole approach. However, I certainly have learned a lot along the way.

I'm still using the parser combinator, just producing an Enum instead of functions.