
ASN rules for AFWall+, iptables, OpenWRT & IPfire

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ASN-Blocking Script

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IPFire network object creator for IPv4 addresses based on ASN information. IPv6 support is planned!

Output of asn_ipfire_beta.sh --help respectively asn_blocking.sh --help :

Usage: asn_blocking.sh [OPTION] [COMPANYs | -f FILE]
Add or remove networks to IPFire firewall Groups: Networks & Host Groups

  -a, --add         Add new company networks
  -r, --remove      Remove company networks from customnetworks & customgroups
                    COMPANY='ALL' to remove all entries done by this script
  -f, --file FILE   Get company list from FILE
  -l, --list        List entries done by this script
      --renumber    Renumber lines of customnetworks & customgroups files
  -k, --keep        Keep temporary source files after finish
      --renumber    Renumber lines of customnetworks & customgroups
      --backup      Backup customnetworks & customgroups before change
      --rmbackup    Remove backup files of customnetworks & customgroups
      --restore     Restore customnetworks & customgroups from backup
  -v, --verbose     Verbose mode
  -V, --version     Show this script version and exit
  -h, --help        Show this help and exit

Create special output files (Non-IPFire-Mode):
  --network        Create FILE 'network_list.txt' with networks
  --network_raw    dito, but networks not consolidated
  --asn            Create FILE 'asn_list.txt' with ASNs only
  --iptable        Create FILE 'iptable_rules.txt' with iptable rules
  --afwall         Create FILE 'afwall_rules.txt' with afwall rules

COMPANY to be one or more company names, put into double quotes ('"')
        Multi company names can be comma or space separated
usage example: asn_blocking.sh -a "CompanyA CompanyB CompanyC" 
               asn_blocking.sh --asn "CompanyA,CompanyB,CompanyC" 

FILE = name of a file, containing one or more company names.
Company names to be separated by space or line feeds.
usage example: asn_blocking.sh -u -f company.lst 
               asn_blocking.sh --network -f company.lst 

  Company names are handled case insensitive.
  Only entries made by asn_blocking.sh are updated or removed.
  These entries are recognized by the 'Remark'-column in IPFire.