
Research: Create a lesson on working with maps

elipousson opened this issue · 0 comments

Here are the key questions a lesson about doing research with maps should answer:

  • What kinds of maps are available for Baltimore historians?
  • How do you find maps to work with?
  • What questions can maps answer?
  • How do you read a map?
  • How to use maps to make an argument about the past?

The lesson could also include:

  • Dos and Don’ts of working with maps
  • Map Research Resources

The outline for this lesson is based on William Cronon's Learning Historical Research guide. To explain how maps can inform research on historic places make sure to include:

  • Changes in land use
  • Changes in the configuration/composition of a building
  • Property ownership

Make sure any discussion on how maps can be used for interpretation is located in the section on Visuals (not Research).