
Not Raising on Server Side errors

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I've been battling with an issue where the gem won't raise on a 500+ error.

Right now the gem raises on Timeout and Connection Failed I believe but If the response is a 500 or a 404 or 401 it automatically fallsback to an empty array which is not what I would expect since I'm not using the with_fallback option.

What is the best way to handle this?

Hello @djpate, great question!

Out of the box, Spyke makes no assumptions about what to do with different status codes and only cares about the content of the hash passed in via Faraday:

{ data: { id: 1, name: 'Bob' }, metadata: {}, errors: {} }

This will raise a Spyke::ResourceNotFound if the hash doesn't contain an a primary key entry when finding a single record:

where(primary_key => id).find_one || raise(ResourceNotFound)

...or an empty array if trying to find multiple and not seeing any:


Lines 36 to 38 in 9d256d4

def new_collection_from_result(result) Array( { |record| new_or_return(record) }, result.metadata

You can tweak your Faraday middleware to define custom behavior around specific http status codes.
For example something like this:

class Middleware::ErrorHandler < Faraday::Middleware
  def call(env) do
      raise Spyke::ConnectionError, env[:body] unless env.success?

Hope that helps! Otherwise feel free to ask again 👍