Ability to add custom transformation/unpacking of embedded data
thedarkside opened this issue · 3 comments
Spyke expects data in the form of
data: {
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: "xy",
hero: { #<-- embedded resource
id: 8,
attributes: {}
But apis must not stick to this schema. For example strapi is encapsulating nested objects in a subsequent "data" object like this:
data: {
id: 1,
attributes: {
name: "xy",
hero: {
data: { #<-- That one
id: 8,
attributes: {}
Currently the only way of making that Spyke-compatible is to hook into Faraday and transform the payload before it gets processed by Spyke.
But at this stage we have to iterate over the whole payload and guess. We can't easily rely on the associations configuration in our Spyke models.
A better approach would be to provide a way to change the processing of nested objects if necessary.
Ive created a patch as a poc:
class Spyke::Base
# Allows customization via overriding. Per default returns embedded payload untouched.
def self.unpack_embedded(payload) = payload
class Spyke::Associations::Association
def embedded_data
parent.class.unpack_embedded parent.attributes[name]
With this in place i'am now able to override my StrapiBaseRecord
to hook into the embedded processing and transform the payload to make it Spyke-compatible.
class StrapiBaseRecord < Spyke::Base
def self.unpack_embedded(payload)
# Strapi encodes embedded data nested in a "data" object we need to unpack first.
What do you think?
Currently i am using Spyke just to consume payload. No writing involved at all. Therefor i'am not sure this approach is safe for all operations.
For my usecase it's working great!
Hey @thedarkside, thanks for your thoughts!
I've actually been having similar ideas. 😅
I started fiddling around with something in https://github.com/balvig/spyke/pull/137/files a while ago that I never quite got to wrap up. Could you take a look and see if it's something like that you had in mind?
@balvig yes that would indeed make it simpler on my side because currenlty i still have a Faraday middleware in place just to rename Strapi's meta
attribute in metadata
class FormatHandler < Faraday::Middleware
def on_complete(env)
env.body[:metadata] = env.body.delete(:meta)
def self.connection
@conn ||= Strapi::Client.conn do |builder|
builder.use FormatHandler
I dont like this boilerplate either. Should be definitely easier to accomplish!
But your idea isnt flexible enough i fear. For example it isnt sufficient if the data of interest is nested deeper (more then 1 levels).
It also doesnt allow custom transformations of the data before it gets parsed by Spyke.
It also would not solve my problem outlined above either because the data of interest is nested deeper in the payload your solution wouldnt reach.
I prefer to leave that flexibility to the users here by opening up a surface they can hook into if they want to. With inheritance this is really easy to do.
I also had the idea of providing callback functionality (also part of ActiveSupport). This would be even more sophisticated but for my case way to much.
So imho i would also implement a unpack_base
method in the same fashion which could be overridden by a custom implementation like this:
class StrapiBaseRecord < Spyke::Base
def self.unpack_base(payload)
payload[:metadata] = payload.delete(:meta)
In there you can do whatever you want. Adding, deleting, transforming whatever needs to be done to feed the data into Spyke.
A working monkeypatch including now also the base unpacking mechanic. Ive borrowed the Spyke::Result
patch from your changes.
class Spyke::Result
def self.new_from_response_body(body)
class Spyke::Base
# Allows customization via overriding. Per default returns payload untouched.
def self.unpack_base(payload) = payload
def self.unpack_embedded(payload) = payload
module Spyke::Http::ClassMethods
def request(method, path, params = {})
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('request.spyke', method: method) do |payload|
response = send_request(method, path, params)
payload[:url], payload[:status] = response.env.url, response.status
::Spyke::Result.new_from_response_body(unpack_base response.body)
class Spyke::Associations::Association
def embedded_data
parent.class.unpack_embedded parent.attributes[name]