
Flutter Web: video_player_web videos are not playing on Iphone Safari browser

razfazz opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using video_player: ^2.5.1 and video_player_web_hls: ^1.0.0+1 and videos are not playing on iphone 13 mit iOS 16.1 Safari browser, but on all other platforms.

The error is "The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission"

zogol commented

i have the same issue. moved to iframe because of it. hopefully this gets fixed soon

can you folks share the url that you are trying to play.

try using 1.0.0+2 @zogol @razfazz

still the same issue.

one testvideo i used is this one

i tried it with many different videos and it looks like it is something else.

maybe on safari there needs to be some special init values for the videoplayer to prevent that error