
obtain Message instance after email send

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I am implementing a Notifications feature and I'd like to connect the notification with the email sent, for that I included something like the following to my Notification model.

email_message = models.OneToOneField(
    verbose_name=_("Email message"),

But I don't know how to later match this, the only thing that I was able to come up with was:

self.email_message = djmail_models.Message.objects.filter(

But that is not optimal, is there a way to get the uuid or model instance for example when the email is sent? or how should I go about doing this? I send the email this way:

email_builder = template_mail.MagicMailBuilder()
context = {
email = email_builder.notification(self.recipient, context)
email.send() # <---------- it would be cool to have something like "djmail_message = email.send()"