
cordova-iOS 7 broken build path

nicholaszuccarelli opened this issue · 1 comments

    ENV['CORDOVA_IOS_RELEASE_BUILD_PATH'] = "./platforms/ios/build/device/#{app_name}.ipa"

Cordova-iOS 7.0 has changed the build path

instead of /device/, it is now /Build-iphoneos/

This is where that line of code resides if anyone would like to create a pull request:

ENV['CORDOVA_IOS_RELEASE_BUILD_PATH'] = "./platforms/ios/build/device/#{app_name}.ipa"

Small correction to the above comment: instead of ./platforms/ios/build/device, it is now ./platforms/ios/build/Release-iphoneos.

Update: I created a pull request to fix this. #63