
loadToken(): update google adwords url to google ads api url

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loadToken(): update google adwords url to google ads api url

@jburkhardt can you just push the script you've shown me at useR! to the R folder and maybe drop that Google URL. I'd like to think a bit about renaming some functions cause it find the internals with 'get' and 'load' confusing at times. Also, I guess it helps if I try to do a documentation draft here as I am rather the outsider looking in.

But most importantly I'd like to introduce the new curl and jsonlite imports.

Thanks @jburkhardt .
Briefly checked it. There is quite some cleaning up to do:

  • style wise: = vs <- etc.
  • add proper imports importFrom vs ::
  • think about not exporting part of the functions, in order to only expose whats necessary for the end user and avoid confusion

I suggest I'll do these corrections and commit to this branch again. After this you can test with credentials and everything. Once that works issue the PR.


  • I improved the styling / formatting in the auth process now.
  • need to find counterparts for getURL now. Might be tricky for me to do it by just reading the documentation. Can you check whether you find some counterparts @jburkhardt ?
    If you find 'em I could move on. If not we can try to join forces here.

credentials$ is a factor for some reason. should be a character. At the moment I try to find out what the curl replacement of RCurl::getURL is.


@mbannert I refactored the functions and exchanged rsjon and RCurl with jsonlite and curl. Could you please review?