
Feature suggestion: Export silk screen

perette opened this issue · 2 comments

It's possible to make a silkscreen from a circuit by adjusting image and colors, but it requires a bunch of manual steps. It would be nice if there was a built-in way to do this, similar to File->Trace Mask->Export. The silk screen export would:

  • export all layers except Chassis.
  • Override trace width to 0.5mm or so.
  • Override component outlines to black.
  • Override component colors to white.
  • Override all text, both component and misc, to black.

The resulting image is suitable for home-built boards, printing onto Press-N-Peel and ironing it onto the top-side of the board; or for running through ImageToPcb to make a gerber for a silk screen layer for having a board manufactured.

I have just started using diylc and made a PCB layout. I was going to get the PCB made by an online manufacturer that requires a gerber file. What is a gerber file. I have not seen a way to generate in diylc. I have exported it to pdf file but that is all.

@negout There is a separately-developed utility ImageToPCB which can accept image files (exported PNGS from DIYLC) and generate Gerbers. See also these instructions or this video for an overview of the process.