
xunit reporter always reports 0 for test execution time

chefhoobajoob opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a test suite consisting of a number of tests, some of which include blocking operations that run for as long as 250ms, but the xunit reporter reports a time value of 0 for each test.

I'm seeing the same behavior on Windows 7 and RHEL 6.7

Looking at the code, I can see that this is hardcoded into the report. Are there plans to include timing data?

No plans in the near future at least. If someone would like to create a PR for this, I'd be happy to look at it though!

I'd be interested - don't know about bandwidth though, and I'm not up to speed on bandit design (yet).

One other thing, I'm finding that our automated build system is choking on consuming the xunit reporter output because it's expecting a float value for time (e.g. 0.0 instead of 0). That one I'd know how to do!