
Particle in cell chemical calculation software

Primary LanguagePython

Fluidity Chemistry Model

Fluidity Chemistry Model is a series of Python scripts which
can be used together to estimate melt chemistry within a Fluidity model.

For a full explanation of this modelling software please see Ball et al.,
(submitted to JGR Solid Earth).


# Software Requirements

python 2.7
numpy 1.16.5
h5py 2.9.0
re 2.2.1
pandas 0.24.2
scipy 1.2.1


# Data Requirements

A Fluidity model of mantle convection within which X coordinate,
Y coordinate, Temperature, Melt Fraction, Melting Rate, Latent Heat
of Melting, Particle ID and Processor ID recorded for each particle
at each time step in a h5 file.

vtu or pvtu files of each time step within the model


# Example data files

We include example data files for an edge-driven-convection model
with a original oceanic thermal boundary layer thickness of 80 km.

# Files used to generate fluidity model

# h5 file with particle data

# vtu/pvtu files


# Implementation

Place following files in the same directory:

# Script to calculate melt compositions from particle data
# File including all the modules used in Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel_Example.py
# File including all datasets used in Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel_Example.py

Place Fluidity model data files in the same directory as each other, not 
necessarilty the same directory as the data processing scripts.

Edit lines 65-96 in Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel_Example.py to match the 
specific Fluidity model.

Edit line 173 in Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel_Example.py to match the 
specific Fluidity model.

Edit line 209 in Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel_Example.py to match the
specific Fluidity model.

To run the model, migrate to directory holding the python files and input the
following command:

mpirun -np 8 python Fluidity_Optimize_Parallel.py

where 8 is changed to the number of processors that can be used.


# Post Implementation

Model yeilds one csv file for each processor used to run 

Headers (i.e., first row) for all but one of the csv files should be removed
and all csv files should be appended beneath the file with a header remaining.


# Example Final Model
