Function `ofArray` not used.
Idrek opened this issue · 1 comments
Idrek commented
It seems that function ofArray
in src/SpiralMatrixSharp/FSharp.fs is not used. Regardless of that, a rectangular array does not spread elements in correct order.
// It fails with expected output: [| [|3;4|]; [|7;8|]; [|0;0|]; [|0;0|] |]
let ``Test ofArray function`` () =
let output = [| [|1;2|]; [|3;4|]; [|5;6|]; [|7;8|] |] |> array2D
Assert.Equal(output, Array2D.ofArray 4 2 [|1..8|])
I think array should be a square one, so better to accept an argument and check it, like:
let ofArray (side: int) source =
if Array.length source <> pown side 2 then
invalidArg "source" "must be a square array"
let array2D = Array2D.zeroCreate side side
|> Array.iteri (fun i elem -> array2D.[i / side, i % side] <- elem)
with test:
let ``Test ofArray function`` () =
let expected = [| [|1;2;3|]; [|4;5;6|]; [|7;8;9|] |] |> array2D
Assert.Equal(expected, Array2D.ofArray 3 [|1..9|])
fun () -> Array2D.ofArray 3 [|1..7|] |> ignore)
|> ignore
bangjunyoung commented
Thanks for noticing this.
I'm not sure why this unused and buggy code was committed in the first place. I'll fix a bug and remove it from the source.