

Closed this issue · 1 comments

At the moment I can't get, how do you use aacl with non logged in users? Every resource is closed for them. Do you automatically log in them like some dummy user with guest role? Or I missed some beautiful method?

This has been discussed. It is a bit of an omission from the original AACL library but mostly because I was trying hard to make it work seamlessly with auth module which doesn't provide a particulalrly neat solution for this.

Have a look here:

nekofs I think implemented this in his branch and as soon as I get a chance I'll probably pull his changes in too. If you want to be really helpful, you could merge his changes with yours, make a couple of changes to the README to reflect the new options in the API, and give it a bit of a test, then I'll happily pull the whole lot!

Obviously that is asking a lot but I may not get a chance to do this very soon so if you are working on this it would be greatly appreciated!

I'll close this as the discussion has been had in the thread above but feel free to re-open if you think more discussion is needed.