
Load token throws Database_Exception

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With sprig & sprig-auth master branch.

Database_Exception [ 1054 ]: Unknown column 'user_tokens.user_' in 'field list' 
[ SELECT `user_tokens`.`id`, `user_tokens`.`token`, `user_tokens`.`user_` AS
 `user`, `user_tokens`.`user_agent`, `user_tokens`.`created`, user_tokens`.`expires`
 FROM `user_tokens` WHERE `user_tokens`.`token` =   
'pN6YMA9WDizu3ZSJZ1ui8j4EdANRve5z' LIMIT 1 ]

I'm getting the exception calling this:


If I change the field 'user' in Model_Auth_User_Token adding the property 'in_db' to FALSE, the problem "dissapears".

Not sure what is happening here. This is likleydue to a change in Sprig - I haven't tested the current code since Shadowhand last made changes. It looks like the foreign key field for the belongs to relaitonship isn't being set peroperly - no idea why.

in_db = FALSE may stop this exception but it will also mean the relationship between the token and the user breaks.

Sorry banks, the fail was mine :-(

I extended Model_Auth_User, but I forgot to call parent::_init. Doing that resolves the problem.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

PS: now I get another error "Column 'logins' cannot be null" when trying to create the user, but maybe it's mine again... so no issue this time!! ;)