
Add smtplib for notifications

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm not very github savvy else I would do a pull request?....

For now, I thought I would offer up this block of code I inserted to notify me when a site was available. It worked perfect for me yesterday/today to snatch a very sought after location within 60 seconds. Absolutely appreciate you creating the base script to work with the new site. I just have to find a scraper for the site now and wrap them.... Hoping I can pick up PHP and create a web-based wrapper to connect them together.

This is showing the top and bottom parts of the original script so you can see where I put this.
Pretty sure this could be extracted and put into a module instead to better protect the password or maybe just use a dummy email account.

I use my email and sms for notifications that include the link to the site/campground so I can quickly scan sites for which one is open. If I knew the API call to show open sites in a campground that would be even nicer.... Maybe have a link in the notification to "book now" which would place it in your cart and give you 15min to reserve it?

    if availabilities:
            "There are campsites available from {} to {}!!!".format(
        import smtplib
        from email.mime.text import MIMEText
        me = ""
        recipients = ['', '']
        passwd = "password here"
        body = ("There are " + str(current) + " sites available out of " + str(maximum) + " site(s) at " + name_of_site
             +  "\nLink to Reserve:" + str(park_id) + "/availability")
        msg = MIMEText(body)
        msg['Subject'] = 'Campsites Available for ' + args.start_date.strftime(INPUT_DATE_FORMAT) + ' - ' + args.end_date.strftime(INPUT_DATE_FORMAT)
        msg['From'] = ""
        msg['To'] = ", ".join(recipients)
        session = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
        session.login(me, passwd)
        session.sendmail(me, recipients, msg.as_string())

        print("There are no campsites available :(")

Using a while loop for now until I can do a cron entry... (running this out of a FreeNas jail on python36)

while [ 1 ]; do python --start-date 2019-07-11 --end-date 2019-07-12 233187; sleep 60; done


Feel free to make a pull request 😄. I'd rather not pollute the main script. Instead make another file like that consumes the stdout of the main script and does something with it.

This has had no activity for 8 months so I'm going to close this out to keep things clean.