
Change in website?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Followed the instructions but seemed to have run into the follow error. Just wondering if there was a change somewhere in the website that broke the current script! Thanks!

python --start-date 2018-07-20 --end-date 2018-07-23 --parks 232448 232450 232447 232770
Something went wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 191, in <module>
  File "", line 116, in _main
    park_information = get_park_information(park_id, params)
  File "", line 56, in get_park_information
    return send_request(url, params)
  File "", line 48, in send_request
    resp.status_code, url, resp.text
RuntimeError: ('failedRequest', 'ERROR, 404 code received from {"error":"Not Found"}\n')

I'm seeing it too, I'll have a look a bit later.

Update 1: Seems like the URL structure has changed. I haven't figured out yet what the new API looks like. Any help would be appreciated.

Looks like the API issues were fixed. Thank you!

Yep, fixed in cd29a3d.